Summer Enrichment with DCI

Throughout this summer, over 700 students at Durham Public Schools’ camps at RN Harris Elementary and Eastway Elementary participated in summer enrichment courses provided by DCI’s incredible team of 14 Summer Enrichment Specialists. Taught alongside subject-based classes such as math and science, Summer Enrichment provided students the opportunity to work on important life skills such as communication, problem solving, and critical thinking that can be used in all facets of life. 

For instance, students spent time learning about effective problem solving steps:

  1. Identify the problem
  2. Analyze the problem
  3. Describe the problem
  4. Look for root causes
  5. Develop alternative solutions
  6. Implement solutions
  7. Measure the results

They were then tasked with using these steps while attempting to solve problems as a team during games specifically designed to promote creative problem solving and good communication between team members. 

Students took part in a game where they were tasked with solving the problem of how to get all of their teammates from one side of the room to the other while only being allowed to step on a small number of frisbees. This experience, along with many other innovative games, gave them the chance to use their effective problem solving steps while learning additional lessons, such as the importance of good communication, careful listening, and perseverance. 

These skills and more will be increasingly important to all of our students and they continue their academic journeys. To take a peek at a few of this year’s enrichment sessions, check out our gallery below: