DCI’s LEAP Academy Preschool Continues to Grow!
Our Preschool, LEAP (Latino Education Achievement Program) Academy, went completely virtual last year due to the pandemic. We began the year with 23 enrolled students. Three more have been added since and we continue to grow!
Our team has been incredibly creative when it comes to teaching students in a virtual space. This month’s lessons will focus on traveling around the world – our students will visit other classrooms and teachers from around the globe from the safety of their own homes. LEAP Academy will also have our third visit with BEE DOWNTOWN, a local organization that installs and maintains beehives on corporate campuses, via zoom.
The DCI LEAP Academy is still accepting applications for our current school year, but also will began accepting applications for our 2021-2022 school year in the near future. Please contact Megan Pender, DCI LEAP Academy Preschool Manager, via email at or call me at 919-599-3766 if you are interested in enrolling.